Hurricane Sandy 16×20 oil on canvas
Max Page (Little Darth Vader) 2012
The Painted Bra Art Project 2012
Brooke’s Big Heart 2012
The Painted Bra Art Project 2012
Ladera Ranch Education Foundation 2012
“Heart” 11×14 oil on canvas (donated for Hearts for the Arts charity auction in Sacramento)
“Heart” 11×14 oil on canvas (donated for Hearts for the Arts charity auction in Sacramento)
“Moe” 16×20 acrylic on canvas
“Moe” 16×20 acrylic on canvas (painted live during The Pet Rescue Center charity event, painting donated to the cause)
“Boob Troopers” acrylic on bra
“Boob Troopers” acrylic on bra (donated to The Painted Bra Art Project to fund breast cancer awareness)